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 “My experience at ILAS can be described in one word: ‘REWARDING’! Not only were the lecturers very knowledgeable in their subject areas, but the one on one attention I received, both inside and outside of the classroom, was instrumental in me receiving a first class mark in Public Law and my 2.1 Honours LLB degree”

ILAS was a great experience; more than you would expect from such a small institute. While there, I enjoyed brilliants lectures, strong administrative support, and a lively student life. Whether it is by its academic prowess, co-curricular activities or extra-curricular opportunities, ILAS has a lot to offer to any serious aspiring law student.


“ILAS is not only a place for the acquisition of knowledge but invariably leads to the development of one’s character, maturity of oneself and one’s thinking. It truly is an environment dedicated to the overall empowerment of individuals through education and the various opportunities afforded. It is said that the end of education is character but at ILAS it is just the beginning.”


“ILAS provides a nurturing environment that drives academic excellence!”


My experience at ILAS was an overall amazing one. ILAS provides support and guidance to each of its students from the start of registration all the way through to graduation and even starting your legal career. The lecturers are competent and well qualified. They go above and beyond their duties in the classroom to ensure that each student is well equipped not only for exams but also for a long lasting and successful career. ILAS provides the environment for development in and out of the classroom through mooting competitions and debates. ILAS also cares about community outreach and encourages all students to get involved with charity drives to meet the needs of those around us and Christmas toy drives for the children.  ILAS seeks to foster good relationships between students, lectures and all members of staff through hosting sporting events, annual Christmas parties and Divali celebrations. ILAS has been and continues to be an outstanding organization providing quality education and priceless experiences for its students. 


In my pursuit of the UoL LLb, I explored several tuition providers within the country. I was advised by a colleague that ILaS was best suited for my study style and schedule given the support and structure the institution provides. This advise was short of the actual experience from the institution. 

The quality of teaching and learning is evidence of the experience the lecturers have in the program. ILAS pursuit of excellence is exemplified in their teaching, materials and administration. The quality of students and their results is evidence of this.    It is not institution for rote learning, they provide a sound foundation for application and understanding even in my daily life.

ILAS student life not only cater to full time students as I attended part time and was involved in extra curricular activities such as debating, sports and student council to name a few. 


Two decades after my attendance at a learning institution with much trepidation and uncertainty I embarked on my journey of the study of law. I learnt of the Institute of Law and Academic Studies ‘ILAS’ through the many accolades of past students who spoke of multiple success stories.  

I was not disappointed as my experience there was extremely enriching and exceeded my expectations in every way. The teaching sessions were very stimulating, the lecturers were very purposeful in fostering student participation and engagement.

The support systems at ILAS be it from the lecturers or administration staff are excellent, the provision of learning material was beyond my expectation. The lecturers were extremely accessible and created an atmosphere where the students were comfortable to be truly engaged and ask questions of all kinds.

Exam preparation at ILAS is second to none, if you follow the recommendations provided you can be assured success awaits.

Without hesitation I would recommend this learning institution and I am eternally grateful for all that I have gained as an alumnus of the gem that is ILAS.


The Institute of Law and Academic Studies has over the years acquired success at each stage of its growth, this is partially due to the welcoming and family oriented staff and lecturing that this institute offers.  At ILAS they have received me with open arms, and have offered a unique and innovative concept to teaching which assists the student to approach law with an analytical mind, that prepares the student for their future practice in the field of law. 

The lecturing is exceptional and the lecturers are really approachable. They patiently listen to our concerns and take their time to explain. They have always had an exceptional understanding of our academic ability and the requirements required to achieve our true potential. Going to the extent of offering online assistance in the form of extra tutoring and information wherever possible.

The team at ILAS goes the extra mile to prepare their student for exams, by literally taking your hand and walking you step by step in approaching the examination. Therefore each student goes into the exam with the confidence that is needed to be successful and dominate at any possible and sometimes unexpected questions the LLB program may throw at you.  

The Institute offers a wide range of extra curricular activities that engages the student to network and develop comradery, with such events in sports, social gatherings and visits to the Supreme Court and Parliament to name a few.

The Institute of Law and Academic Studies has offered me one of the best and memorable experiences and has encouraged my development as a person not only academically but psychologically as well, in approaching my law studies. It is without hesitation that I would and always recommend this prestigious school.

My name is Syan Laurel Bhagwatsingh, I currently work as a Trade Policy Research Strategist at the Ministry of Trade and Industry ,Trinidad and Tobago and my expertise in the field of trade policy and development spans over five years.

In 2015, I decided to compliment my training in the field of international trade policy. I embarked upon researching various schools that offer law programmes locally, as law was the field I was told would enhance my skills as a trade and development professional.

Most of my tertiary education and training up to that point had been full time face to face study, with me having completed two degrees an undergraduate degree in International Relations at the University of the West Indies (UWI),Mona Campus and a postgraduate degree in International Trade Policy at the UWI, Cavehill Campus.

After having thoroughly researched the local market for a law school and programme that would offer me top class training along with flexibility and support as a working professional, I decided upon the Institute of Law and Academic Studies (ILAS). The decision to become a student at the mid point of one’s career is never easy,  but after having visited the institution and interacting with the teaching staff and support staff present, my decision came easily.

In hindsight, my experience at ILAS was truly rewarding- it is ranked amongst the highest (if not the highest) of all my tertiary education experiences thus far. From the very beginning the support staff at the main office made me feel very welcomed and would continue this type of after care support throughout my three years at the school. I always judge an institution by the way it treats its students outside of the classroom, ILAS has certainly honed and maintained a standard of customer service excellence with its students and in my time at the institution, it certainly never dropped the ball.

The teaching staff was no different, the lecturers made classroom time a truly invigorating experience. They were well versed on their core topics and made the material very palatable especially for persons who did not come from a legal background. For me, I was always impressed by the way the modules were delivered and the support that we got from them outside the classroom. As a part time student, there must be an extension of support outside of the classroom setting especially for working students, ILAS ensured that this type of support was extended to us and we were never left unattended. The flexibility also offered to us was just as  important as we tried to balance our professional and personal commitments. Exam preparation and teaching were always on par and we as students were always adequately prepared despite some of us having clashing schedules with class time. Most of the lectures went above and beyond their call to ensure that we we were always ready for exams.

At the end of my time at ILAS, I not only received my undergraduate degree in Law but I also became alumni of an institution that  produces top quality students and excellence. My time and efforts spent there were certainly not in vain, my choice to continue my legal career in arbitration is certain because of my experience at ILAS, the institution is above par and is noteworthy of anyone wanting to become a member of the legal fraternity.